A Form of Life by Moslem Azimi

A minimal photo that shows people on the top of a hill where a little girl with her father are gathering plants and a couple in distance are looking the nature. A simple form of photography, but so attractive form of photography, minimal photography.

Photo of the day 11122020 1n

Nikon 7200 with 18-300mm | Exposure 1/250sec @ f/9 | Focal Length 87mm | ISO 320

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Award Winner
Photo of the Day

Award Date
June 23, 2022



Value 12
Clarity 13
Composition 18
Style 13
Skill 12

Award Category
Minimalistic Photography

Photograph Location
Kermanshah Javanroud, Iran

Even though Moslem Azimi lives in Iran and has Iranian nationality, his origin is Kurdish not Persian. He did his Bachelor of Arts in English Translation. He loves photography, however, he doesn’t have academic education in it. He learned photography by himself. He is part of many photography groups and has been exhibiting his works in both national and international photography exhibitions. Azimi’s goal is to portray the Kurdish lifestyle, method of living, their culture, and tradition thought his photography.

Current Location
Javanrud, Kermanshah Province, Iran


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