The Classic Man by Argha Mitra

We are in the generation of modern advancements, but we do love some classical aspects. This particular picture was taken in one of the beautiful cities while I was traveling. This guy, actually a friend of mine, lit up and smoked near a big white window and he was wearing a completely black jacket. on a cloudy day, this particular black and white combination and the smoke and the vibe provide me with a great classic view.

Nikon D3100 with 80-140mm | ISO 125 | Exposure 1/60sec @ f/5 | Focal Length 52mm

The Classic Man by Argha Mitra

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Award Winner
Photo of the Day

Award Date
December 11, 2022



Value 11
Clarity 12
Composition 17
Style 12
Skill 11

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Born in Kolkata, India, Argha Mitra currently lives in Szeged, Hungary, but when he can, travels to different places around the world. Try to capture some precious moments from the street. Also, he loves to capture the expression of wild animals and different people with a different cultures. He likes black and white photography. He likes to play with composition and light.

Current Location
Szeged, Hungary


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