Home Less or Homeless by Anna Cicala

While in Miami I decided to go to Little Havana or course with my camera in one hand and a Cuban coffee in the other I noticed this man across the street. I felt such deep compassion for him, I have a big heart and always look for the good. So while gazing at him I thought he would make such a wonderful portrait and this is how he became part of my gallery.

Photo of the day 29012021 1n

Nikon P900 | Exposure 1/640sec @ f/5.6 | ISO 640 | Focal Length 1600mm

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Award Winner
Photo of the Day

Award Date
January 29, 2021



Value 12
Clarity 13
Composition 18
Style 12
Skill 12.5

Award Category
Portrait Photography

Photograph Location
Miami, Florida, The United States

Anna Cicala is a 40 year old born and raised Canadians! She has a passion for nature, and wildlife. She is a true believer that thought and emotion can be evoked through photography and content. She loves being outdoors and travelling the world capturing moments that will last a lifetime. Pictures are time stamps where life is counted down by the second. She hopes to inspire others with her photography, and content and hopes they can be as impactful in their daily lives and routines as much as they are for her.

Current Location
Ontario, Canada


13 replies
  1. Pal Smurch
    Pal Smurch says:

    Well taken shot. Subject matter is pretty pedestrian. Every high school kid with a camera takes shots of the homeless.

    • Anna Cicala
      Anna Cicala says:

      Yes, and we all have some fabulous stories to tell. Those before us, us, and after us. Life is beautiful isn’t it!


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