An Old Man with a Turban by Lavi Dhurve

Staying in a village during NSS camp and interacting with the people was a very difficult task. Because there was a lot of caste-based sentiment in people, it was a difficult task to talk to them, they felt that we are people with poverty line survey. Some people used to close the doors of their house just after seeing us. However, there were people who also sensible to share information with an open mind. He is a grandfather among them. Because he was wearing a very colorful turban, in which he looked very good, I took a picture of him.

Photo of the day 09042021 1n

Xiaomi Mi A1 | Exposure 1/33sec @ f/2.6 | ISO 2500 | Focal Length 5.99mm

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Award Winner
Photo of the Day

Award Date
April 9, 2021



Value 12
Clarity 12
Composition 18
Style 13
Skill 12

Award Category
Portrait Photography

Photograph Location
Sarni, Madhya Pradesh, India

Lavi dhurve is from a small village located in the state of Madhya Pradesh, known as the ‘Heart of India’. She loves her village life. To her every little thing is beautiful. Lavi loves art, culture, nature, children, and photographing them. She thinks life is beautiful and loves to experience the beauty with her photography, especially the sunrise, sunset, new places, and its people.

Current Location
Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India




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