The Choobi Bridge by Azam Vaez

Pol-e Joui, also known as the Choobi Bridge, is a bridge in Isfahan, Iran. It was built in 1665, during the Safavid era. The Joui Bridge is located between Khaju and Ferdowsi bridges. It is 147 meters long and 4 meters wide, with 21 arches. It was built during the reign of Shah Abbas II to irrigate and connect the king’s gardens on both sides of the river. The bridge and the two parlours within were for the exclusive use of the shah and his courtiers. Now-a-days the parlours are being used as tea houses.

Photo of the day 07032020 1n

Canon 6D with 24-105mm | Exposure 1/50sec @ f/5.6 | ISO 2000 | Focal Lenght 40mm

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Award Winner
Photo of the Day

Award Date
March 7, 2020



Value 13
Clarity 13
Composition 17
Style 13
Skill 12

Award Category
Night Photography

Photograph Location
Esfahan, Iran

Azam Vaez was born in 1971 in Isfahan, Iran. She is now an art teacher, teaching students various fields of art. She loves nature, lifestyle, street, travel, and architectural photography. She believes photography can give us positive energy. Azam loves traveling around the world. Her solo exhibition exhibited in her hometown focused a photo of Mecca. She has also been participated in the provincial championships for photography several times.

Current Location
Esfahan, Iran


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