Wet by KD

Photo from one of my favorite macro sessions with old manual lenses, which always surprises me with its effects. It was early summer day, sun just after rain. Drop of water on the wine leafs created nice contrast between dark green and reflections of sun’s light with drops characteristic prism effect.

Photo of the day 28082020 1n

Canon EOS 77D with Industar 50mm | Exposure 1/100sec @ f/2.8 | ISO 400 | Focal Length 50mm

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Award Winner
Photo of the Day

Award Date
April 28, 2022



Value 11
Clarity 11
Composition 17
Style 11
Skill 11

Award Category
Close-Up Photography

Photograph Location
Warsaw, Poland

KD lives in Portugal for last few years. This is where he learnt to take photos and enjoy walking with his camera all the time. He really likes nature photography and street art.

Current Location
Lisbone, Portugal


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