Light and Shadow by Siragusano Dylan

Walking down the center of the city where I live, it was the morning and the light and shadow were composing a grate frame according to me, in the morning. I saw this woman silhouette crossing at the right time. She is adding something more intense to this picture.

Photo of the day 03082020 1n

Rcioh GRII 28mm | ISO 500 | Exposure f/8 @ 1/500sec | Focal Length 95 mm

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Award Winner
Photo of the Day

Award Date
August 3, 2020



Value 12
Clarity 12
Composition 17
Style 12
Skill 11

Award Category
Motion Photography

Photograph Location
Nice, Russia

Born in Caraibs, from a Spanish Mother and a Sicilian Father, Dylan Siragusano has always been interested by people. He made this curiosity his own job by becoming a psychologist. Dylan Siragusano practive different arts like Music, Painting, but Street Photography stays the one he prefers when he wants to be connected to the people and to capture their way to live.

Current Location
NIce, France


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