Flight by Martin Stoimenov

At the time the photograph was captured i was trekking in the mountain on the beautiful sunny day and stumbled across gang of butterflies which was flying very aggressively all over the place, i think it was their mating period, and they really made my day.I’m really grateful for where photography takes me

Photo of the day 10082020 1n

Canon 600D with 50mm | Exposure 1/500 @ f 5/2.8 | ISO 100 | Focal Length 55mm

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Award Winner
Photo of the Day

Award Date
August 10, 2020



Value 12
Clarity 13
Composition 18
Style 13
Skill 12

Award Category
Close-Up Photography

Photograph Location
Sofia, Bulgaria

Martin lives in Bulgaria, small country with no economic growth but with beautiful nature and people.Its not an easy life there and he travels a few times in his country to try to document the life outside his born town.When he mean beautiful people its not only the outside beauty but the inside too, the emotions, problems that each one of us has, our happy and sad moments, the beauty of feeling.

Current Location
Sofia, Bulgaria



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