When Sky Is the Canvas Once Again! by Ryan Perris

Sunsets are always beautiful. It fascinates me all the time. So, when I was at Promthep Cape in Phuket of Thailand, I got a chance to experience this amazing view. Me and two of my friends arrive at the spot right before the sunset. We were offered this captivating view a little later. When the sun was about to bid farewell to the day and to invite the dusk, there emerged a lot of emotions in nature and also in human minds. As if these emotions were like different shades of paints on the nature’s biggest canvas – the sky, which created an absolute masterpiece of art. I made an attempt to capture this beautiful moment with my mobile phone One Plus 5T.

Photo of the day 09062019 1n

One Plus 5T | Exposure 1/100sec @ f/1.7 | ISO 250 | Focal Length 4.10mm

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Award Winner
Photo of the Day

Award Date
June 9, 2019



Value 11
Clarity 11
Composition 18
Style 12
Skill 12

Photograph Location
Promthep Cape, Phuket, Thailand

Ryan originates from Dhaka, Bangladesh – a land where people hold indomitable spirit within, yet don’t need much to be happy! He is an amateur photographer. He is into art and advertising by profession. Ryan, consumed by wanderlust, loves to travel the world. He loves to be into the nature, appreciates all the beautiful details all around, and tries to capture the magic of the moments from even the smallest details.

Current Location
Dhaka, Bangladesh


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