Tag Archive for: Portrait Photography

The Act of Closing by Heron Pereira

The Act of Closing by Heron Pereira

This black and white photograph captures a worker from the fish market at Ver-o-Peso, on a Sunday when it is closed. Ver-o-Peso is a traditional market in the state of Pará, located in Belém, Brazil.
Best Friends by Leanne LindsayBest Friends by Leanne Lindsay

Best Friends by Leanne Lindsay

This little girl had lost her bunny a few weeks before this photograph was taken, her loyal friend, her confidante and bedtime companion. His father had searched everywhere and reached out on social media to see if anyone had located it. After some sleepless nights, her bunny was located safe and well and they were reunited. It was time to document her relationship with her bunny. This boardwalk is nearby, where you can walk through the mangroves, and it would be a good place to take photos of them together. We spent about an hour skipping through the mangroves, dancing with Bunny, twirling him around, making him pretend cups of tea and fighting off ‘swamp monsters’ with sticks.
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