Jana Luo

Born in China, and came to New Zealand in 2005, Jana Luo loves this country so much! In 2013 March, one idea came to her mind – buy a real camera, and since then she couldn’t stop using her first camera gear, her lover, the canon 6D! She is a very sensitive girl, the reason for her fallen in love with photography is she believes she can use her gear to express her mood, her feeling and her thoughts about the world she lives in a very different way, her way.

Camera Gear: Canon 6D and Canon 5D Mark II
Lenses : Canon 16-35MM 4.0, 24-105MM, 50MM1.8
Current Location: Auckland City, New Zealand
Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/94872481@N08/
500px: https://500px.com/yyljhjana
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jana.luo
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Jana-photography/
Best Achievements & Exhibitions:
1. NZCP Exhibition in 2014, New Zealand
2. NZCP Blanck and White Exhibition in March 2015, New Zealand
3. NZCP with Pingyao International photography exhibition in Sep 2015, China

Some of Jana Luo’s Most Popular Award Achievements

Ah, Got the First Price, by Jana Luo

Ah, Got the First Price, by Jana Luo

It was a horse racing event day on Karekare beach. A lot of kids were there for an hat competition. This little boy won the first place. I really love his facia...
Take a Break, by Jana Luo

Take a Break, by Jana Luo

Wondering around Viaduct with my little Fujifilm x100s camera, I saw this guy was riding the bike in front of me. Following him for a while, he took a short bre...

Sunset Glow over Mountains, by Jana Luo
Mom, What Is That? by Jana Luo
Ah, Got the First Price, by Jana Luo
Take a Break, by Jana Luo
Enjoying the Sun! by Jana Luo
Browse all Jana Luo’s contributions in Light & Composition

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