Tag Archive for: Laria Saunders Photography

Photo of the day 13122012 1

Bed of Beauty, by Laria Saunders

This was taken in a garden here in Los Angeles. The peacocks roam around freely and can venture off the garden grounds too. Award Winner: Photo of the Day | December 13 Award Score: 64.5 (Value 12.5, Clarity 12, Composition 16, Style…
Photo of the day 08122012 1

Winged Beauty, by Laria Saunders

This was taken in a Butterfly Arboretum. This large butterfly is unremarkable when it closes it's wings but when it lands for that split second and opens, the blue color is extraordinary and actually much deeper in color than this photo suggests.…
Photo of the day 10082011

Remember the Thorns!

Where does the end of horizon lie? You think you’re just there. But no! You’re never there. Like the fluttering butterfly your journey’s end keeps changing its path. May be its because there’s lot more to it; more to see, more to explore,…
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