Tag Archive for: Kathmandu

Kathmandu Street Life by Ryszard Wierzbicki
Material poverty of many Kathmandu people is visible everywhere and yet a charisma that our society now almost completely lacks. The enormous consumption of the Western World doesn't make us happy and satisfied with life.

A Blessing Boy of Kathmandu by Ryszard Wierzbicki
Blessing in Nepalese Culture is a common Custom. In Western Culture saying, expressing "Thank You" is usually articulated in exchange "for something". Here in Nepal is a rather kind of Greeting which observed everywhere and "for free". This poor boy was very satisfied and glad to be interested in someone enough to take a picture.

Mother & Daughter by Ryszard Wierzbicki
Very rare people claim donations, but those kinds of photos are not very natural at all. In the case of this photograph Mother & Daughter were very cooperative and willing to play the role of models.