Tag Archive for: Czech Republic

Lovers on Charles Bridge by Mirka Krivankova
Charles Bridge is the oldest standing bridge over the Vltava River in Prague and the second oldest surviving bridge in the Czech Republic. After Prague's Juditina Bridge, the stone bridge in Písek and the bridge in Roudnice nad Labem, this is the fourth stone bridge construction in the Czech Republic.

People at the Timber Trail by Mirka Krivankova
The Timber Trail, Krkonoše is located in the heart of the majestic forests of the Krkonoše National Park. There, one will get to know the local forests from the roots to the tree tops, and become a part of forest life. The trail with a total length of over 1500 m will take one through a diverse forest, where you can find many surprises and new things to learn.

Hut Kravi Hora by Mirka Krivankova
Kraví hora is located in the middle of scattered buildings in the village of Malá Úpa in the eastern Giant Mountains. It is somewhat drowned between Lysečina in the east and Jelení hora in the west, which are about a hundred meters higher. Nevertheless, the Kraví hora massif is relatively clearly bordered along the entire perimeter by the surrounding deeply cut valleys.