Tag Archive for: Croatia

Garlic by Silvia Bukovac Gasevic
This food photograph titled garlic was taken with a Canon 20D camera and a 50mm lens with one Multiblitz 250W studio light. It was a photography exercise vegetable / still life photography with one flashlight in an improvised studio in my apartment back in 2005. I also used one softbox 70cm.

Savor the Essence of Garlic by Silvia Bukovac Gasevic
This food photograph titled garlic was taken with a Canon 20D camera and a 50mm lens with one Multiblitz 250W studio light. It was a photography exercise vegetable / still life photography with one flashlight in an improvised studio in my apartment back in 2005. I also used one softbox 70cm.

It’s Just an Onion by Silvia Bukovac Gasevic
This photo of onion was taken with a Canon 20D camera and a 50mm lens with one Multiblitz 250W studio light. It was a photography exercise for vegetable / still life photography with one flashlight in an improvised studio in my apartment back in 2005. I also used one softbox 70cm.