Tag Archive for: Canada

Yosemite Cliffside by Jack Hoye
This image was captured using Apple iPhone during the summer of 2019 at Yosemite National Park, California, United States. This photo reveals a magnificent vista from the conclusion of a walking trail, ending at the cliffs of the Tenaya Canyon. I was really moved by the natural beauty of this area, and with this image in particular I was keen on capturing the composition of the trees and horizons featured. This composition is naturally occurring, ergo and I wanted feature the natural beauty and shapes seen from this view.

Spiral by Jack Hoye
This image was captured with my Apple iPhone at the Art Gallery Of Ontario, or AGO, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. AGO features a grand wooden spiral staircase in the shape of an artful helix. I was intruiged by the natural light, composition, and shape of the staircase as I walked from the bottom to the top. This photo showcases views of this architectural feat from within the staircase looking upwards.

Bad Apples by James L Brown
I was walking my dog Cooper down the main street of Petrolia after a fresh snow, when I spotted these "Bad Apples". It surprised me they still remained on the tree. I just had to snap a photo with that beautiful clear blue sky background.