Tag Archive for: Bodhgaya

Pierced Smile, by Ryszard Wierzbicki
In India, often you will see poor children at the small village school learning in the open air. In that humid weather, you can find them still smiling. I took this photo during my trip to India, in Bodhgaya area.
Award Winner: Photo of…

Bodhgaya Young Monk by Ryszard Wierzbicki
When staying in Bodhgaya, a holy place of Buddhism, in Gaya district in the Indian state of Bihar, apart of Mahabodhi Temple, I visited local monasteries when young novice monks were practicing their monkshood. Kids are always kids and very…

Bored Monks, by Ryszard Wierzbicki
In Gaya district in the Indian state of Bihar, during visiting local monasteries I assisted and observed daily life of young novice monks. Sometimes long daily practices seemed to be pretty boring for vital youngsters. Kids are just kids only.