A West View by Siew Bee Lim
Along Cantonment Road, there is this fairly new Housing and Development Board’s project called The Pinnacle @ Duxton, which has a sky bridge on the 50th floor, linking all the seven blocks of buildings, forming a jogging track, playgrounds…

Roasted Eggplant and Red Pepper Dip by Roseanne Orim
This photo was taken on a gloomy Friday afternoon in Dubai. I wanted to create a Mediterranean themed shoot so a Mediterranean inspired recipe seemed like the right call. Roasted vegetables like Eggplant and Red Bell Pepper are always key ingredients…

Bambaram by Bilal Mahaboob Ali
Bambaram or Playing Top is played by small children, a game that does not have any particular rules. They need to use wooden top, coloring is optional to make it interesting and attractive, pointed nail for getting the center and a string to…