Tag Archive for: Andrey Araya Photography

Carrying Your Own Garden by Andrey Araya
In July 2016, I was doing a report in the Ngäbe indigenous territory called La Casona, in San Vito de Coto Brus, Costa Rica. Although the objective of the report was to create chronicles about the social problems of this native town, I took a moment to take a photo with the camera's macro of this little walker who seemed to be carrying his private garden on his back.

Dark and Light by Andrey Araya
It was August 2018. I walked out of a party into a rainy outside. I was looking for some peace and quiet to forget about the music and the bustle of the people for a moment. Then I came face to face with this strong yellow light that offered a spectacular contrast with the gray sky that served as its frame.

Cat in the Window by Andrey Araya
I took this photo last February. Cats are amazing animals. They can amaze us with their talent for mystery, with their ferocity or their tenderness, but also with that vocation as a tightrope walker that makes them balance in impossible places. The house pet, Tess, finds my window sill an unusual place to rest and play.