Rainer Mirau

Rainer Mirau

Rainer Mirau was born in 1976 in Vienna and has lived since his early childhood in Baden, an idyllic small town on the edge of the Vienna Forest. In his youth, he used to travel with a backpack and a tent. Now, he is often on the road in his camping van in the Alps and in Northern Europe. His interest in landscape photography was awakened by first trips to Scandinavia. With his father‘s Olympus OM-1 and through studying various books by photographers such as Andreas Feininger, Ansel Adams or Fritz Pölking, he learned the rules of photography time after time.
Shamma Esoof

Shamma Esoof

Simply and elegance is how Shamma Esoof would describe her aesthetic when she takes portraits of either people or animals. She believes photography can be used for worthy causes, which is why she volunteer as much I can with animal rescuers.…
Photo of the day 30092014 2

Colosseum Patch, by Nilla Palmer

Stroll around the Colosseum long enough and you’ll encounter many beggars with different ‘ailments’ not wanting you to pass without donating to their cause. Sometimes it’s difficult to know whether it’s a profession or genuine poverty. Award…
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