A Man in Nashik, by Kristian Bertel
In this picture we see an Indian man, who is recycling waste in India. India is home to some of the filthiest cities in the world, but the success of its mission to clean up its streets will hinge on whether it can completely revolutionize the…

BROR, by Shirren Lim
On a recent trip to Copenhagen, I decided to document a little bit of life in Copenhagen as I traversed the city on foot . This photo was taken on one of the little side streets that I love in the city. This man looked so cool just sitting there…

Mumbai Beggar Girl, by Kristian Bertel
This photo of a beggar girl was taken in Mumbai, India. Beggary is an age old social issue in India. In the medieval and earlier times begging was considered to be an acceptable occupation, which was embraced within the traditional social structure.…