Tag Archive for: Anchorage

Bull Moose, by Ronnie Glover
Moose are plentiful in Alaska and often seen within the city of Anchorage. They are large wild animals and members of the deer family. The bull moose can be distinguished easily by the growth of antlers. The antlers are shed late in the year…

Frosty Moon, by Ronnie Glover
This image was made on an early winter morning hike before sunrise. On this peaceful morning, the cold morning frost had frozen and settled on all the trees and plants. The full moon slipped slowly through the blue dawn sky towards the horizon…

Daisy, by Ronnie Glover
Winters are dark and long in Anchorage, Alaska. Summer days bring nearly 20 hours of daylight and fields of wildflowers. In this image, I tried to capture a feeling of the happiness and brightness that the Alaska summer brings after such a winter.…